

How to Land a Job in Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing is a rapidly growing field - in fact, experts project the industry of influencer marketing will be worth up to $15 billion by 2022. If you consider yourself a savvy social media expert, working in Influencer Marketing might be a fun and exciting way to learn how companies are using each unique platform to advertise products, expand their reach, and grow their audience. With the industry seeing such incredible growth, companies are jumping at the chance to hire skilled Influencer Marketers who understand the nuances of the market and who can help them forge exciting partnerships. If you work in Marketing but are new to the specialized world of Influencer Marketing, it can be a great way to take your company to the next level. So many home-grown ecommerce brands are reaching larger audiences than ever before by working with smart Influencer Marketers. Whether you're trying to land your first job in Influencer Marketing or looking to advance your career in this fast-paced industry, here are the most important things you should be doing.

Get to Know Your Influencers

Understanding different influencer niches and the variety of content they produce is the first step to building your influencer marketing skills. As you broaden your understanding of the many content categories within the influencer world, you’ll become more confident determining the type of  partnership that would best suit your project. Likewise, knowing your target audience is crucial to building a successful campaign strategy. You should become an expert in the type of content each demographic enjoys consuming, whether that’s Instagram reels, YouTube videos, or the latest TikTok crazes.  Understanding those differences can be a great predictor on your influencer choice when it comes time to build your campaign strategy. Making sure you have a working knowledge of basic social media marketing terminology is also a must. In order to create a successful and authentic campaign, you should understand how to calculate the engagement rate on an influencer's profile and learn which metrics to consider when evaluating their content performance. If these topics sound like a foreign language, explore courses and online classes geared towards teaching you the ins and outs of modern day social media marketing.

Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

A successful influencer marketer needs to think strategically when developing partnerships with influencers in order to bring new projects to life. Whether you have a massive budget to work with, or you're dealing with limited resources, it is vital that you're always thinking creatively and brainstorming ways to partner with influencers in a fun, engaging, and most importantly, authentic way. In a creative rut? The best way to kickstart your creativity is to consume influencer content! By seeing the different types of content influencers and their partners are creating, you’ll get new ideas and see what’s working and what’s not in the social media space.

Stay up to Date on Current Trends

There’s no shortage of emerging content trends on social media. Seeing as social media will be the main vehicle for your campaigns, it is of the utmost importance that you understand the different trends happening on each platform and how these can work in your favor. Each social media channel comes with its own nuances and unique characteristics. It's your job to understand how different influencers interact with each platform, and what type of content resonates well on each. It's also important to understand the analytics behind the channels and how each platform can bring true value for your business. Remember: not all platforms will work for all campaigns, so it's up to you to figure out which ones will help your company reach its goals.

Nourish Your Relationships

Whether in person or virtually, it's important to maintain relationships with influencers, talent managers and agencies. Every project and campaign you work on will start with them.  A successful Influencer Marketer is organized and has great follow through skills, aiding in their ability to keep track of and nurture relationships. Invest time and effort into getting to know your contacts on a deeper level and keep them updated on your current projects - and hopefully they will do the same! This will help you build authentic, long term relationships and will make your work so much easier in the long-run. Nurturing genuine relationships will go a long way in this industry, since talent managers, agencies, and influencers alike want to partner with people and products that align with their personal brand.  Influencer Marketers should love connecting with new people and have a people-first approach to networking! If this is something you struggle with, you can start by dipping your toes in the water. Consume influencer content and start conversations wherever you can find common ground.


If Influencer Marketing feels like the perfect career path to combine your love of social media with your love of building relationships, maybe it’s time to explore the exciting, interactive, and fast-paced industry you’ve been hearing so much about. At Syndicatebleu, we can help match skilled Influencer Marketers with job opportunities at trend-setting brands. Browse our open roles and apply to get in touch with a recruiter today!

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