diversity, equity & inclusion

As a national Women-Owned business certified by the WBENC, Career Group Companies is a recognized diverse staffing supplier.
Career Group Companies has been and is fully committed to equal employment opportunity, both in principle and as a matter of corporate policy. Our candidate base is comprised of outstanding and trusted referrals, career fairs and university programs, direct sourcing, and active recruiting. We are committed to excellence in all that we do, and that means elevating as many people as possible and providing the best training and development to our talent. As a women-owned and women-led organization, it is extremely important to us to be recognized as not only a leader in our industry, but a leader in corporate social responsibility.
Working with you
Career Group Companies boasts a significant track record of consistently placing a diverse group of temporary and full-time employees. Since we are a leading staffing firm, we enjoy a significantly larger talent pool from which to choose the best and brightest employees. Many of our clients have specific diversity goals, and we have been committed to implementing a targeted recruiting approach to help them achieve these goals. Career Group Companies is working with leading firms on diversity recruitment, partnering closely with nonprofits aiming to close the skills divide in marginalized communities, as well as networking with diversity-driven job boards.
We are dedicated to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in everything that we do, as its importance is deeply ingrained in our company culture. We are able to advise our clients on inclusive hiring best practices and make it our mission to work one on one with each client to understand their specific hiring goals in order to tailor our approach.
Start your search
at a glance
We pride ourselves on our diverse talent pool. We are able to track the race/ethnicity and gender of our applicants and employees, including both our internal staff and externally placed temporary talent. The following figures are from the 2023 California Pay Data report for our internal and external temporary employees:
of placements were women
of placements were people of color
of our senior leadership is female
Corporate Social Responsibility
Career Group Companies is proud to prioritize diversity not only in our workplace but also in the organizations we choose to partner with. With all of our nonprofit partners, in addition to fiscal support, we have offered free resume workshops for their participants, 1:1 career mentorship, and hosted mock interview events to bolster candidates' interview skills in a competitive job market. As a result of our strong relationships, we are able to connect our clients with a more diverse talent pool, while simultaneously making a positive difference in candidates lives.

best buddies
Best Buddies is dedicated to ending social, physical, and economic isolation for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). We share their core value of inclusion, and our team is thrilled to participate in their annual Friendship Walk. We've made internal hires from their stellar Jobs Program, which we promote to our clients as well.

Per Scholas
Per Scholas brings technology education and training to individuals in underserved communities. They work to increase hiring diversity and close the skills divide in the technology sector. Career Group Companies has been working with Per Scholas for several years, hosting resume workshops and conducting mock interviews to help their students succeed.

United Friends of the Children
United Friends of the Children empowers current and former foster youth through service-enriched education, housing programs, advocacy, and mentorship within a community of people who care. A portion of every single placement fee made at Career Group Companies is donated to further support UFC’s mission.

Gyrl Wonder
Gyrl Wonder is committed to uplifting young women of color through community building and career exploration. They provide scholarships, mentorship, workshops, and career coaching to help gyrls successfully enter a competitive workforce. Career Group Companies has sponsored their annual Fellowship program, hosted career workshops, provided mentorship, and more.